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Software Effective Solutions "MEDCANA" (OTC: SFJW) Begins Full Crop Cycle Testing and Advances Infrastructure Development in Colombia

Software Effective Solutions Corp.

McapMediaWire -- Software Effective Solutions (OTC: SFWJ ) (“The Company”, “SFWJ”), doing business as MedCana, is pleased to announce that it has begun full crop cycle testing across all five of its recently acquired companies in Medellín, Colombia. The goal of this testing phase is to train personnel, observe crop behavior, and ensure production processes work seamlessly. These tests are being conducted in smaller, controlled greenhouse environments before being scaled up to full production. In addition to the crop cycle testing, MedCana has made significant progress in infrastructure development. Last week, the company finalized road and rainwater management systems, paving the way for earthmoving equipment to begin terracing and preparation for the first phase of the project. "We are extremely happy with the progress we've made in the construction and development of our five companies in Colombia. We see no obstacles and remain satisfied with all results," said Gabriel Diaz, CEO of SFWJ. MedCana's commitment to meticulous analysis and testing of all variables, including wind currents, humidity, soil, pests, and more, is reflected in the success of its initial infrastructure analysis, which has covered geological, hydrological, and environmental factors. The recent acquisition of Tokan Corp's assets, a software company focused on creating an ERP platform for the cannabis industry, and Eko2O S.A.S., a greenhouse design and distribution company, has positioned MedCana for explosive growth in the region. The expertise and industry knowledge of Juan Ricardo Velez, CEO of Eko2O, has also contributed to dramatically decreasing costs for MedCana's subsidiaries in the region. ABOUT SFWJ: Software Effective Solutions/MedCana is a global infrastructure and holding company in the cannabis industry. With a recent acquisition of a software company, MedCana expanded its offering to provide traceability from plant to product. The company's initial focus is on developing clients and companies in Latin America, with an emphasis on Colombia, and forming partnerships with laboratories, research facilities, and hospitals worldwide. As MedCana moves forward with its expansion plans, the company remains committed to delivering on its promise of building a solid foundation for future growth, ensuring the highest quality pharmaceutical cannabis products and raw material for its customers, and maximizing shareholder value. SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT This press release contains forward-looking statements that can be identified by terminology such as "believes," "expects," "potential," "plans," "suggests," "may," "should," "could," "intends," or similar expressions. Many forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results implied by such statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, our ability to continue to enhance our products and systems to address industry changes, our ability to expand our customer base and retain existing customers, our ability to effectively compete in our market segment, the lack of public information on our company, our ability to raise sufficient capital to fund our business, operations, our ability to continue as a going concern, and a limited public market for our common stock, among other risks. Many factors are difficult to predict accurately and are generally beyond the company's control. Forward-looking statements speak only as to the date they are made, and we do not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made. Contact: Jose Gabriel Diaz, CEO Contact Details MedCana Company Website

April 19, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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iCliniq Expands Telehealth Offerings in U.S. to Include Primary Care Services and Prescriptions


iCliniq, a leading global provider of healthcare resources with operations in the U.S., U.K., UAE, India, Singapore and Germany, has expanded its telemedicine services in the U.S. market to include a new primary care tier, called iCliniq First, available at This expansion, which offers video and text-based consultations with U.S. physicians, as well as access to prescriptions, builds on the company’s existing second opinion consultation and deep library of original medical content which has already attracted an audience of 15 million U.S. consumers. iCliniq is unique for its combination of affordable access to primary care physicians, prescriptions and its breadth of authoritative, original content authored by top board-certified physicians. These new iCliniq features also present opportunities for pharmaceutical and medical marketers who want to reach a highly-engaged audience of consumers at the point of interest. The company offers marketers 100% share of voice on contextually relevant topics, as well as ways to reach consumers via display, video ads and other sponsored content. “We’re already delivering on huge demand for information and counsel in the U.S. with our second opinion and deep content library,” said Dhruv Suyamprakasam, CEO of iCliniq. “And now, by providing the U.S. market with access to quality, primary telehealth and prescriptions, we can better serve consumers. In addition, we can offer marketers highly targeted and effective ways to reach these high-intent consumers, at the moment they are actively seeking answers.” Under this expansion, iCliniq First now offers real-time and asynchronous consultations with primary care physicians to U.S. audiences via video and text-based health services. iCliniq also now offers prescription writing along with thousands of high-intent medical articles authored by board-certified doctors and healthcare professionals. “As we expand our offerings in the U.S., we are building on the successful model we have provided to other markets around the world because we believe consumers everywhere deserve to have cost-effective and dependable access to healthcare,” Suyamprakasam said. “People with and without insurance need a stress free way to receive care.” iCliniq is certified as a HIPAA-compliant platform, offering the highest level of data protection while also adhering to internationally recognized NIST-security standards. “Being able to review thousands of articles from medical specialists on specific issues and conditions can provide consumers with peace of mind or at least knowledge about what is going on in their bodies,” Suyamprakasam said. “iCliniq First goes a step further and gives consumers a chance to come directly to us at the onset of their issue and get the care they need.” Cliniq, founded in 2012, is the leading global provider of virtual healthcare resources. Its virtual online medical service provides convenient, premier health care to more than 190 countries. iCliniq’s doctor panel consists of more than 3,500 highly-qualified doctors from 80+ specialties in the U.S., U.K., UAE, India, Singapore and Germany. The company is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia and has offices in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. iCliniq has built a reputation for providing quality medical information and care globally, which led to a partnership with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) to launch MSK in India. Through this partnership, patients get remote second opinion services in India, including pathology and radiology review, genetic sequencing and analysis of cancer, customized written care plan, live video consultation, and integrative medicine. iCliniq has been rated among the top telemedicine portals in the world by CPoE, Parade, and Insider. For more information, visit Contact Details Kite Hill PR for iCliniq Maggie Stasko +1 724-787-1565 Company Website

April 19, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Algernon Pharmaceuticals receives notice of allowance for US patent for drug Repirinast and NASH

Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Algernon Pharmaceuticals CEO Christopher Moreau joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share news the company has received a Notice of Allowance for a patent around its work on chronic kidney disease. Moreau tells Proactive the patent, which is titled “Compositions and Methods for Treating Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis”, is based around its kidney disease program with the drug NP-251 or Repirinast. This is the company’s first allowance notice received from the US patent office. Contact Details Proactive Canada +1 604-688-8158

April 18, 2023 12:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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La Société canadienne de la schizophrénie reçoit 978 000 $ pour un projet d'éducation sur le cannabis et la santé mentale

The Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC)

La Société canadienne de schizophrénie (SCS) est ravie d'annoncer un financement de 978 000 $ de Santé Canada pour soutenir son Projet national sur le cannabis et la santé mentale. Ce financement aidera à combler l'écart dans l'espace de la santé mentale au Canada en veillant à ce que l'information sur les effets du cannabis soit accessible aux jeunes en besoin. Les jeunes Canadiens (15 à 24 ans) ont l'un des taux de consommation de cannabis les plus élevés au monde 1,2 avec des taux de prévalence presque le double de ceux des adultes. La recherche précise l'écart persistant dans la mise en œuvre d'une éducation pertinente sur le cannabis dans divers contextes et ciblée sur des groupes d'âge spécifiques, en particulier les jeunes. Le financement aidera à affiner et à amplifier les ressources innovantes développées par et pour les jeunes dans le cadre de ce projet. Le projet comprend un cours de certificat autodirigé sur le cannabis et la santé mentale, un guide de mentorat, le site Web sur le cannabis et la psychose et de nombreux produits de mobilisation des connaissances axés sur le partage accessible d'expertise scientifique et expérientielle. « Je suis reconnaissante à la Société canadienne de la schizophrénie et à ses partenaires communautaires d'avoir adapté le programme Cannabis et santé mentale pour rejoindre un public plus large de jeunes », a déclaré l'honorable Carolyn Bennett, ministre de la Santé mentale et des Dépendances et ministre associée de la Santé. « Alors que notre gouvernement s'efforce d'améliorer les services de soins de santé intégrés pour tous les Canadiens, ce financement aidera à donner à plus de jeunes les moyens de protéger leur santé mentale et de mieux comprendre les effets sur la santé de la consommation de cannabis.» Le cours sur le cannabis et la santé mentale et les ressources associées sont fondés sur des données probantes et élaborés à partir des expériences vécues et de l'expertise des jeunes, des parents, des éducateurs et des cliniciens. Ce financement permettra au projet Cannabis et santé mentale de continuer à répondre aux besoins des jeunes. De plus, ce financement nous aidera à offrir des formations et des ateliers aux enseignants, cliniciens et autres adultes alliés. "Ce projet est d'une grande importance dû au nombre de jeunes qui consomment du cannabis à des fins récréatives ou pour résoudre des problèmes de santé mentale, et peuvent ignorer qu'il peut comporter des risques. Avec le cannabis et la santé mentale, nous procédons une éducation fondée sur des preuves entre les mains des jeunes, éducateurs et alliés adultes.” Chris Summerville PDG SCS Pour plus d'informations sur le projet Cannabis et santé mentale, visitez: et ou suivez-nous sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et Youtube. Socialpresskit À propos: La Société canadienne de la schizophrénie (SCS) œuvre pour un avenir où les personnes atteintes de psychose précoce et de schizophrénie peuvent réaliser leur potentiel. Cela est possible avec des services de santé mentale axés sur l'intervention précoce et le rétablissement. Le cœur et l'âme du SCS est la conviction que la vie peut être améliorée pour ceux qui souffrent de psychose précoce et de schizophrénie. Témoignages du projet sur le cannabis et la santé mentale: « Ces ressources offrent un programme équilibré, fondé sur des données probantes et engageant sur la relation entre la consommation de cannabis et la santé mentale, afin de donner aux jeunes les outils nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées. Elles créent une excellente ouverture pour explorer pourquoi les jeunes choisissent de consommer du cannabis, l'impact de la légalisation sur diverses communautés, et l'importance d'approches de déstigmatisation et de réduction des méfaits en matière d'éducation à la toxicomanie et à la santé mentale. Julia Armstrong, gestionnaire, Santé mentale et toxicomanie. avril 2023 Le projet Cannabis et santé mentale a été créé par un groupe diversifié de jeunes, y compris ceux ayant des expériences vécues, s'identifiant comme noirs, autochtones ou autres personnes racialisées et provenant de régions géographiquement disparates à travers le Canada. Ces perspectives sont mises en évidence tout au long du cours à travers des conversations entre les jeunes sur leur expérience de la stigmatisation et la perspective d'un jeune autochtone sur la spiritualité. Nous espérons qu'en voyant d'autres comme eux, les jeunes plus difficiles à atteindre, en particulier ceux qui estiment que leurs réalités ne sont pas reflétées par les approches de santé publique traditionnelles en matière de cannabis et de santé mentale, se sentiront plus enthousiasmés et responsabilisés par un contenu accessible et équilibré. Hargun Kaur, Comité national d'action jeunesse, avril 2023. Le cours sur le cannabis et la santé mentale vise à évaluer les besoins de ceux qui existent dans les marges. Le projet adopte une approche basée sur les forces pour prioriser les besoins de communautés spécifiques tout en élevant la voix de ceux qui peuvent être plus à risque d'effacement et d'exclusion. Connor LaFortune, Conseiller stratégique autochtone, avril 2023. Contact Details Sarah Roht, Chef de projet

April 18, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Schizophrenia Society of Canada Awarded $978,000 for Cannabis and Mental Health Education Project

The Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC)

The Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC) is excited to announce $978,000 in funding from Health Canada to support its National Cannabis and Mental Health Project. This funding will help address the gap in Canada’s mental health space by ensuring information about the impacts of cannabis are accessible to youth in need. Canadian youth (15–24) has one of the highest rates of cannabis use worldwide 1,2 with prevalence rates almost double that of adults. Research is highlighting the continuing gap in the implementation of relevant cannabis education across a range of contexts and targeted to specific age groups, especially youth. The funding will help refine and scale the innovative resources developed by and for youth through this project, including a self-led Cannabis and Mental Health certificate course, accompanying Mentor Guide, the Cannabis and Psychosis website, and numerous knowledge mobilization products focused on sharing accessible scientific and experiential expertise. “I am grateful to the Schizophrenia Society of Canada and their community partners for adapting the Cannabis and Mental Health program to reach a wider youth audience,” said Hon. Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health. “As our government works to improve integrated health care services for all Canadians, this funding will help to empower more young people to protect their mental health and better understand the health impacts around cannabis use.” The Cannabis and Mental Health course and associated resources are evidence-based and developed with the lived experiences and expertise of youth, parents, educators and clinicians. This funding will enable the Cannabis and Mental Health project to continue meeting the needs of youth. Additionally, this funding will help us to provide training and workshops for teachers, clinicians and other adult allies. "This project is so critically important as many young people use cannabis recreationally, or to address mental health challenges, and may be unaware that it can carry risks,” said Chris Summerville, CEO, Schizophrenia Society of Canada. “With Cannabis and Mental Health, we’re getting evidence based education into the hands of youth, educators and adult allies.” For more information about the Cannabis and Mental Health project, visit: and or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Socialpresskit -30- About: The Schizophrenia Society of Canada (SSC) is working to build a Canada where people living with early psychosis and schizophrenia can achieve their potential. This is possible with early intervention and recovery-focused mental health services. The heart and soul of SSC is the conviction that things can be better for those experiencing early psychosis and schizophrenia. Cannabis and Mental Health Project Testimonials: "These resources offer a balanced, evidence-based and engaging curriculum addressing the relationship between cannabis use and mental health, to help equip youth with tools to make informed decisions. They create a great opening to explore why young people choose to use cannabis, the impact of legalization on diverse communities, and the importance of destigmatizing and harm reduction approaches to substance use and mental health education.” Julia Armstrong, Manager, Mental Health and Substance Use Health. April 2023 The Cannabis & Mental Health project was created by a diverse group of youth, including those with lived experiences, identifying as black, Indigenous, or persons of colour, and from geographically disparate regions across Canada. These perspectives are highlighted throughout the course through conversations between young people on their experience of stigma and an Indigenous youth's perspective on spirituality. We hope that by seeing others like themselves, harder-to-reach youth, especially those who feel their realities aren’t reflected by mainstream public health approaches to cannabis and mental health, will feel more excited about and empowered with accessible, balanced content. Hargun Kaur, National Youth Action Committee, April 2023. The Cannabis and Mental Health course aims to assess the needs of those existing in the margins. The project takes a strength-based approach to prioritising the needs of specific communities while uplifting the voices of those that may be at more elevated risk of erasure and exclusion. Connor Lafortune, Indigenous Strategic Advisor, April 2023. Contact Details Sarah Roht, Project Manager

April 18, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Washington County Water Conservancy District

The Washington County Water Conservancy District (district) has hired Doug Bennett to serve as Water Conservation Manager. Bennett will oversee the development and implementation of the district's conservation policies and programs. Bennett has more than 28 years' experience in successful water conservation at two western water agencies and broad experience in landscape management in desert climates. Prior to joining the district, he served as the water conservation manager for the Southern Nevada Water Authority in Las Vegas, NV. During his tenure, the Las Vegas region achieved a 48% reduction in per capita water demand. Bennett developed and managed the nation’s largest landscape conversion program, transforming more than 215 million square feet of grass, and the world’s largest professional conference for urban water efficiency, Water Smart Innovations. “Doug is a proven, nationally recognized leader in water conservation,” said Zach Renstrom, district general manager. “His extensive experience and vision will elevate our water conservation efforts to the next level. We’re thrilled he’s joined our team.” Bennett has received more than a dozen conservation awards, including the Water Star Lifetime Achievement Award from the Alliance for Water Efficiency. He has worked on projects for the Water Reuse Foundation, the Water Research Foundation, the US EPA WaterSense Program, the US Green Building Council and the American Water Works Association. He has a bachelor's degree in agriculture and a master’s degree in business management from New Mexico State University. About Washington County Water Conservancy District The Washington County Water Conservancy District is a not-for-profit public agency that oversees water resources in Washington County, UT. The county has already reduced its per capita water use more than 30% since 2000 – the greatest reduction in water use in Utah – and has passed Utah’s most restrictive water ordinances for new development to achieve additional savings. Visit for more information. Contact Details Washington County Water Conservancy District Karry Rathje, Communications & Govt Affairs Manager +1 435-673-3617 Company Website

April 18, 2023 07:55 AM Mountain Daylight Time

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Destiny Pharma says XF-73 now "very well positioned" for a partnering programme

Destiny Pharma PLC

Destiny Pharma PLC (AIM:DEST, OTC:DTTYF) CEO Neil Clark speaks to Thomas Warner from Proactive after releasing the clinical-stage biotechnology company's full year results for 2022. Clark says that Destiny Pharma is focused on finding a partner for its lead asset, XF-73, a nasal gel that decolonizes patients before surgery to prevent post-surgical infections. He adds that the asset is now "very well positioned" for a partnering programme. Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

April 18, 2023 09:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Futura Medical debuts Eroxon in UK and says "more launches coming"

Futura Medical PLC

Futura Medical PLC (AIM:FUM, OTC:FAMDF) CEO James Barder speaks to Thomas Warner from Proactive after launching innovative erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment gel Eroxon in the UK market. Barder highlights the opportunity by the UK market and looks to the future, saying that there are "more launches coming." He also expresses optimism about obtaining regulatory approval for OTC sales in the US by the end of June. Contact Details Proactive UK Ltd +44 20 7989 0813

April 18, 2023 07:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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GBB Drink Lab Sends a Cease-and-Desist Demand

GBB Drink Lab

McapMediaWire -- GBB Drink Lab (“GBB” or the “Company”), a maker of the world’s first formulated drink that aids in rapid blood alcohol detoxification has issued a cease-and-desist demand to FSD Pharma (NASDAQ: HUGE) (“FSD”) a publicly traded biotechnology company that operates in the pharmaceutical research and development business. GBB has a patented formula that accelerates the process of converting alcohol to sugar in the body. By enhancing the metabolic pathways that facilitate this process, the formula can help the body clear alcohol much faster than normal. The Company has been working on a proprietary drink for several years using its patented formula. FSD Pharma entered into a binding Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with GBB. The companies had ongoing discussions about an acquisition for many months that GBB has since terminated. Mr. John Gulyas, Co-Founder of GBB Drink Lab, met with FSD and its principals over many months and shared proprietary information with the company that included without limitation, information created and developed by the company relating to composition, formulation, and methods of using the composition and formulations for reducing the effects associated with alcohol consumption in drink and other edible and nonedible forms. Per the cease and desist letter sent to FSD, "Not only has FSD and its principals committed fraud by way of wrongfully inducing GBB Drink Lab into providing the Product and other confidential information, but FSD and its principals have also committed multiple breaches of the Agreement, including, but not limited to: (i) reverse-engineering the Product and/or other confidential information provided, in violation of Section 3 of the Agreement; and/or (ii) wrongfully asserting dominion over the Product and/or other confidential information (and all intellectual property rights pertaining thereto) by using such information to launch FSD’s recently announced Program”. Mr. Jarrett Boon, Co-Founder and CEO of GBB Drink Lab, states that “FSD Pharma has violated the NDA, developed a product using the Company's formula, trade secrets, methods, and has used the stolen information to gain investors for its own stock. GBB is aggressively taking legal action against the theft of its confidential information and has demanded that FSD halt its product from being launched”. Further evidence is supported that FSD Pharma has publicly announced the launch of a new research and development program targeting unmet medical needs for alcohol misuse. FSD Pharma has also announced the addition of Shark Tank investor and pitchman Kevin Harrington, and former Celsius (NASDAQ: CELH) CEO Gerry David to its Advisory Board to help commercialize its efforts. GBB has demanded that "FSD immediately cease and desist the program, including, but not limited to, use of all confidential and/or proprietary information provided by GBB Drink Lab relating thereto." About GBB Drink Lab GBB Drink Lab started with a vision of making a positive impact by offering practical, evidence-based solution to reducing Blood Alcohol Content. The company’s product has been meticulously crafted to optimize your ability to sober up thus enabling you to escape an inebriated state. GBB Drink Lab leadership team includes accomplished serial entrepreneurs, a former senior executive from one of the world’s largest beverage companies, and an industry-leading expert in flavoring science and product formulation. Contacts Jarrett Boon, Co-Founder, CEO, GBB Drink Lab, Inc Email: Telephone: 602-456-1555 Contact Details GBB Drink Lab Company Website

April 17, 2023 04:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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